Sharon & Hogg


“What? In our old Barn?” was Hoggs response when weddings in the barn was mentioned.

Yes Hogg, this barn is glorious and can be more than a family party space or shelter for your ewe’s!

Hogg and Sharon live and work on site with children, dogs, cows and sheep. They bring not just brains and brawn but a lot of laughter too. Every event here is treated like a family knees up: Excitement, love and fun!

The family and their troop have worked wonders on clearing out the space. To follow the story and the hard work behind creating a new wedding location, find them on Instagram (link below).


The Team

Sharon - The Brains - Effortlessly organised, friendliness in bounds.

Hogg - The Brawn - Right good laugh, knows his stuff (farming not weddings!)

Annabel - The Planner - Lady with the clipboard, keeping you right.

Lindsey - The Chatter - Coordinating & plotting with a smile & laugh!

Heather - The Organised - Super sorted & calm, keeping us on the right path!

Kat - The Energy - Proactive, caring & up for a reet up party!





Why are we fab?

Check out our Wedding Team and their testimonials here!